Top 10 Lists for News, Movies and Pigeons

Adele put out the top selling song of 2015, according to a music website. (AP Photo)

This is the time of the year for top 10 lists.

The end of the year produces lists that cover: top news stories, top entertainment stories and top sports stories.

Other lists cover more unusual topics. Some that caught our eye include: the Top 10 Heroes, the 10 Most “Generous’ Nations, the Richest People in the World, and the 10 Reasons Pigeons Are Unappreciated.

As for pigeons,’s reasons these birds should be loved more include: People have been raising them for 6,000 years and there are some 350 breeds. Who knew?

CNN puts out a list every year of The Top 10 Heroes for volunteer work. Leading the list this year was Maggie Doyne of New Jersey.

Doyne, a 28-year-old, turned $5,000 in earnings from her teen-age babysitting days to buy land in Nepal. On that land, she set up a school, women’s center and home for children.

Here are some of the top 10 lists for 2015.

Lists are very popular because they compile information quickly and offer ways to compare things, events, successes and failures.

One of the most popular lists was delivered almost daily by David Letterman, a well-known television host. He, or sometimes his TV guests, read top 10 lists since 1985.

His last show in May ended with past guests reading a top 10 list that poked fun at Letterman. Comedienne and actress Tina Fey was one of them.

She said: “Thanks for finally proving men can be funny.”

Bruce Alpert reported on this story for VOA Learning English. Kathleen Struck was the editor.

Words in This Story

entertainmentn. amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game

generousadj. freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things

pigeonn. a gray bird that is common in cities and that has a fat body and short legs

breedn. a particular kind of bird, dog, cat, horse, or other animal

earningsn. money received as wages or gained as profit

babysittingadj. taking care of children

generousadj. freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things

grossingadj. the amount of money earned by a movie or other project

minionn. someone who is not powerful or important and who obeys the orders of a powerful leader or boss

awakenv. to wake up

compilev. to create a CD, book, or list by gathering things

successn. getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame*

failuren. the act or result of failing

pokev. to make (fun of)

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