Venice Throws Wild Party Before Lent

Boat Parade Kicks Off Venice Carnival

The canals of Venice, Italy were packed with boats this week to launch a period of celebration leading up to Lent.

The city kicks off its Carnival with a boat parade. “Carnival” means “farewell to meat,” and Carnival covers the days leading to a period of denial, called Lent. Some observant Christians will also fast during holy days in the Lenten period.

Those 40 days lead to Easter, the highest holy day for Christians.

The Venice Carnival lasts until Shrove Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, on February 9.

The Venice Carnival is one of the world’s oldest and most colorful. It includes the boat parade in Venice’s famous canals, a ball where people dress in beautiful costumes, and the king’s banquet.

Italy Venice Carnival

People from all over the world come to Venice’s festival.

One woman came from England. She says the festival has a great atmosphere. “Great people, great food, getting to have a look around and see the great culture that's here as well."

The festival comes at the same time that many large European cities are on guard against terrorist attacks. But Carnival visitors say terrorist threats will not prevent them from enjoying themselves.

One Italian woman says she thinks a terrorist attack could come at any time, so she wants to live her life instead of being worried.

“We have decided to come anyway to take part in this festival because it really is the most beautiful."

Historians think the Carnival celebration has roots in ancient Roman times.

Festivals were named after gods. One was called Saturnalia and honored Saturn. Another was called Bacchanalia and honored Bacchus.

People of all backgrounds celebrated life together. Slaves could wear masks and dine at the same tables as their masters.

Historians think those traditional festivals became the inspiration for Carnival when Christianity became a religion.

I’m Dan Friedell.

Zlatica Hoke wrote this story for Dan Friedell adapted it for Learning English. Kathleen Struck was the editor.

Would you want to visit the Venice Carnival someday? Write to us in the Comments Section or on our Facebook page.

Words in This Story

backgroundn. the part of a picture that is farthest from the person seeing it

banquetn. a dinner held for many people, usually to celebrate a special event

carnivaln. a celebration held before Lent that includes music and dancing

costumeadj. involving people wearing costumes

fastv. to eat no food for a period of time

festivaln. a special time or event when people gather to celebrate something

kicks offv. to start or begin

maskn. a covering used to hide or disguise your face

mastern. someone with control over another person; the owner of a slave