VOA English Newscast: 1600 UTC February 17, 2016

Policemen stand in front of an election banner of Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni in Kampala, Uganda, Feb. 15, 2016.

From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m Frances Alonzo reporting.

Ugandans are preparing to vote in presidential and parliamentary elections on Thursday, after candidates concluded their campaigns Tuesday.

Some voters say peace and stability are most important for them, while others want change and a new regime.

Lining the streets of Kampala, blue and yellow campaign posters compete for space on billboards, walls, and t-shirts.

Blue represents the Forum for Democratic Change party of main opposition candidate Kizza Besigye, while yellow is synonymous with the National Resistance Movement party of incumbent Yoweri Museveni.

The two men are the top contenders competing for Uganda’s presidency.

The UN's mission chief in Mali paid tribute Wednesday to seven Guinean peacekeepers killed in a jihadist attack on their base last week, including the first woman to die as part of their deployment.

The assault on the camp, belonging to the UN force, took place on Friday in the northeastern town of Kidal and was claimed by the Malian Islamist group Ansar Dine.

Seven bodies draped with the UN flag were displayed during the tribute, awaiting repatriation to Guinea Wednesday.

Niger needs millions of doses of meningitis vaccines to ward off a possible epidemic after a spike that has seen dozens of cases reported since January, according to the United Nations Wednesday.

"The (Nigerian) health authorities estimate that they need 3.2 million vaccination doses in case of a meningitis epidemic." That came from the local branch of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Adding to existing reserves, the additional doses would allow officials to immunize 2.8 million people.

VOA News.

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Words in This New

concludedv. stopped or finished

stabilityn. the quality of something that is not easily changed

regimen. a form of government

postern. a sign, usually hung in a public place

billboardn. a large sign for advertisements

t-shirtn. clothing that is worn over chest, has short sleeves and is usually made of cotton

synonymousadj. having the same meaning

incumbentn. someone who holds an office or position

contendersn. a person who has a good chance of winning something

missionn. a job that someone is given to do; a military or naval operation

pay tributev. to honor and praise

jihadistadj. of or related to Muslims who actively support action against non-believers

assaultn. attack

drapedv. covered

displayedv. shown in public

repatriationv. returning to one’s own country

dosen. the amount of medicine that is taken at one time

ward offv. to avoid being hit by something

epidemicn. an event in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects many people

spiken. a sudden rise or jump

dozensn. large numbers of people or things

accordingv. as stated by or in

authoritiesn. officials

branchn. a local office of a company or organization

reservesn. supplies of something that is stored

allowv. to permit

immunizev. to give a vaccine to prevent infection by disease