VOA English Newscast: 1500 UTC March 9, 2016

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres, right, and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden shake hands during their meeting at the Peres Center for Peace in Jaffa, March 8, 2016.

From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m Frances Alonzo reporting.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Wednesday condemned a string of attacks by Palestinians that came as he visited Israel, saying there can be no justification of the “hateful violence."

Speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden called Tuesday's deadly stabbing of an American, a "heinous terrorist act," adding that civilized leaders cannot see the violence as appropriate behavior.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu said "nothing justifies” the attacks and criticized Palestinian leaders for not condemning them.

“President Abbas has not only refused to condemn these terrorist attacks; his Fatah party actually praised the murderer of this American citizen as a Palestinian martyr and a hero. Now this is wrong, and this failure to condemn terrorism should be condemned itself.”

And that is the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Police in Somalia say a car bomb exploded outside a tea shop near a police building in Mogadishu Wednesday, killing at least three officers.


This is the Mogadishu police commissioner, Ali Hersi Barre. He said the driver of the car was taken into custody and was seriously injured by the blast.

He adds that the police are investigating.

Wednesday's attack followed one on Monday in the city of Beledweyne, in which at least six people were injured in an explosion at an airport.

U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura was in Geneva Wednesday, ready to resume peace talks with Syria's warring sides, but delegations are still expected to arrive over the course of a few days so the process will be slow to start.

Mistura's spokeswoman said some of the participants will not be in Geneva until Sunday or Monday.

The delays are attributed to logistical arrangements.

This is VOA News.

Words in This New

stringn. a series of similar things

heinousadj. very bad or evil

appropriateadj. right for some purpose

meanwhileadv. at the same time

martyrn. someone who suffers greatly for a cause

shopn. a store or business

commissionern. someone who has the job of finding information about something or controlling something

custodyn. detention

resumev. to re-start

coursen. the action of moving along a path from point to point; the direction that something moves along

participantsn. someone who takes part in an activity or event

attributedv. explaining by recognizing a cause

logisticaladj. related to the process of planning and organizing

arrangementn. the way things are organized for a purpose or activity

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