VOA English Newscast: 1500 UTC March 10, 2016

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, left, speaks with Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, right, during a meeting of EU justice ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels, March 10, 2016.

From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m Ira Mellman reporting.

There could be a major breakthrough in the fight against ISIS

Stolen files reportedly containing personal data on 22,000 foreign members of the Islamic State militant group are in the possession of German authorities. That (is) according to German police.

The files could aid in tracking down and prosecuting members of the militant group, according to the German Interior Minister.

Earlier, Britain's Sky News reported that files detailing names, contact information, places of origin and recruitment information of jihadists were obtained by the broadcaster from a disillusioned former fighter.

The man - who identified himself to Sky News as Abu Hamed - said he stole a memory stick containing the files from the head of Islamic State's internal security police. He says he quit the terrorist organization because it no longer followed Islamic rules. Hamed told a Sky News reporter he hoped the files would help bring down the organization.

Questions, however, are being raised about the authenticity of the documents. Analysts told the French news agency the files contained inconsistencies, noting unusual language and logos in the documents that are usually the mark of forgeries.

German police are currently evaluating the files.

Authorities in Pakistan say security forces have arrested 14 suspected militants linked to the Afghan Taliban in the southwestern city of Quetta.

The detainees are being questioned and more information will be shared with media, but it is not known if the high-profile ((Taliban)) leaders are among them. Security officials told VOA that today on condition of anonymity.

Officials said law enforcement agencies, acting on a tip, picked up the men from the city's eastern area.

This is VOA News.

Words in This Newscast

breakthroughn. a sudden or important development

ISISn. short name for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

filen. a collection of records

datan. information that is produced or stored by a computer

authoritiesn. officials

accordingadv. as stated by or in

tracking downv. looking for and finding

prosecutingv. taking legal action

originn. the place where someone or something begins

recruitmentadj. of or related to adding new members to a population or group

jihadistn. a Muslim who supports or takes part in action against non-believers

obtainedv. to get control of

disillusionedadj. dissatisfied with someone or something

internaladj. of or relating to the inside of something

quitv. to resign; to leave permanently

authenticityn. the quality of being real

analystn. observer

inconsistencyadj. the quality of not being in agreement; not happening at the same time or in the same way

logon. a sign that is used to identify a business

forgeryn. copy

evaluatingv. studying; examining

high-profileadj. well known; famous; notable

anonymityn. the quality of being unknown to most people

tipn. a piece of useful information; a clue

picked upv. detained

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